Saturday, October 31, 2015

quality literature: skippyjon jones

last year i set myself the goal of reading 52 books over the course of the year.  it was a little tight finishing in december.  i had to read a couple of my son's chapter books to make it, but i was quite proud of myself.  i thought to do the same thing this year.  i counted up my totals thus far yesterday and realized i was at 21.  a sad number unless it's your birthday.  what to do?  what to do?  why cheat, of course!  you all know me too well.  but is it really cheating if it's your own personal game.  i don't think so!  so anyway.  i'll be reading lots of children's picture books in the next few weeks.  i figure i can kill two birds with one stone in this particular endeavor since i've decided to take up hobonichi journaling and children's picture books make great practice material (see image below).  what is hobonichi journaling, you ask?  a new obsession.  i will be sharing more soon as i am addicted.
so, yes.  skippyjon jones books are all delightful reads.  you will thoroughly enjoy them as an adult.  they are about a siamese kitten who thinks he's a chihuahua.  i really love the authors command of language and how she doesn't at all dumb down the words for her chosen audience (being the kids, not us adults but we benefit from her style and wit for sure).  read them.  you will love them.  your kids will love them.  they are awesome.

this one makes 22/52.

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