Friday, December 12, 2014

quality literature: a discovery of witches (trilogy)

i finished this trilogy last night (a discovery of witches, shadow of night, the book of life).  they're of the currently popular mixed breed genre of witches, vampires, daemons (not demons), and humans.  I thoroughly enjoyed the first one.  it had fantastical mysteries and the fast paced plot that i love along with a delightful romance between the two protagonists. 
the second in the series was set several centuries earlier than the first due to time travel.  other than the two lead characters, the rest of the cast was different.  if you're into history and the elizabethan england time period, then you may enjoy this one quite a bit.  for me, the plot was slow and plodding and it was a little oversexed.
the third came back to modern times.  that bad guy was really, really bad in a human world (not fantasy world) bad sort of way.  when i finally, finally got close to the end, the fight scene was over too quickly and was somewhat anticlimactic to me.
so, the first was great and the other too were just okay.  overall, though, the series did keep me entertained.

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